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Conchylinet v.2.9 - 2014-04-16
3314571 visits since Jan. 2007.

Conchylinet 2009 visits statistics reports

Dear visitor,
This page is a report of the visits made on Conchylinet during year 2009. It has been performed thanks to XiTi free audience measurement solution for personal websites.

It is split into 3 sections:
    Section 1 is about visits analysis (evolution and sources),
    Section 2 is about the geographical origins of visitors,
    Section 3 is about the pages and sections that are loaded by visitors.

1. Conchylinet visits analysis

In 2009, Conchylinet received 3840 visits (3 times more than 2008). The number of visits increased slightly during the year. 70% of the visits (2622) came from search engines.

Figure 1: Evolution visits sources during 2009

Quite a lot of visits (770) came from direct access, this is an indicator on how bookmarked the site is. Then the visits come from links into other websites (437) and the last from from links inside emails (11 only).

However a very large number of visitors (2241) did not stay on the website visiting only one page. This is about 60% of them. It can be explained by visitors coming from search engine but not finding what they were looking for (e.g. people looking to know about shell structure but rather for weapons making purpose than mollusc shell knowledge, about 350 visitors arrived on Conchylinet looking for that...).

Let's have a deeper look at what people coming to Conchylinet are aiming at with search engines.
In 2009, the top 50 keywords typed were:

search stringvisits%search stringvisits%
bivalve2208.4seashells collection60.2
bivalves1646.3sea shells classification60.2
shell structure1545.9seashells60.2
monoplacophora712.7structure shell60.2
gastropoda682.6seashells identification60.2
bivalve shell481.8bivalve structure60.2
polyplacophora401.5seashells mauritius50.2
cephalopoda281.1seashell biology50.2
struktur shell271lutraria rhynchaena50.2
conchylinet251encyclopedia of marine gastropods alain robin50.2
classification of seashells180.7mollusc ecology50.2
seashell classification160.6bivalve shells50.2
classification of sea shells150.6encyclopedia of marine gastropods50.2
european seashells150.6gliemeži50.2
bivalvia130.5compendium of seashells50.2
seashells classification120.5etage supralittoral50.2
intertidal+zone+world+map100.4interactive plates40.2
structure+shell90.3tellina albinella40.2
mollusc anatomy90.3mitra ebenus40.2
gibbula cinerea70.3cassidaria tyrrhena40.2
shell structures70.3struktur+shell40.2
siphonaria normalis60.2classification+of+sea+shells40.2

A lot of strings are still off Conhylinet topics (the famous shell structure queries but others like monoplacophora as I have no data about this order yet, cephalopoda are very poorly represented in Conchylinet, etc.).
More query about a specific specie displayed on Conchylinet are displayed within this top 50 words (gibbula cinerea, lutraria rhynchaena, etc.) and into the whole range of search engine keywords, that's about 600 visits coming from specie name queries.

2. Geographical origins of visitors

A good point is that the range of visitors is worldwide as illustrated on the map below.

Visiting countries map
Figure 2: World map of 2009 visitors

The TOP 20 visiting countries is:


As a lot of visitors of come from USA (945) and Europe (1575), the maps below illustrate the origins of visitors inside each of these regions

Figure 3: map of USA visitors

Figure 4: map of European visitors

3. Analysis of visited sections.

Seashells main sections hits
Figure 5: Seashells generals sub-section pages loaded

Now let’s have look at what people are browsing when on Conchylinet. The criteria to measure that is the loaded pages number (total page loaded is about 25 800 in 2009). Lets start with the main sections:

SectionNb pages
Homepage2 292
News and Updates508
Seashells generals4 597
Collecting1 201
The Collection15 717
Collecting Sites670

    3.1. Seashells generals

As the seashells generals section is well visited, let’s have a look at the sub-sections that are read.

Seashells generals section hits
Figure 5: Seashells generals sub-section pages loaded

A lot of visits are aimed at classification pages, however Conchylinet has a very poor information on this subject and it will be one of the next major update of the site : giving an interactive tool to the visitor to enable him to browse the sea-mollusc classification with general data and illustration.

    3.2. The Collection

This is again the most visited part of Conchylinet. The graph bellows illustrates the use evolution of the Collection sub-sections.

Collection sub-section pages loaded
Figure 6: Collection sub-section pages loaded

The Collection section is dominated by the Interactive plates page loads, which is good as this is the main and most interesting feature of Conchylinet. Today, if a visitor want to view the whole online collection (with the default configuration), he will browse 54 different plates.
Note that Conchylinet monitors the specie popup page since March 2009 which explains the brutal increase of loads for this page.

written on 2010-02-27